Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow days

I went for a walk in the snow late last night. There must have been 6 inches of it all over everything (there is more now). I stepped into the backyard, and was transfixed. I had stumbled into faerie-land. Somehow, I was on the other side of the wardrobe. As I walked through the soft glowing wood, I kept expecting a faun with a large umbrella to come trotting out from under the sleeping, woolly trees. I readied myself to help pick up the packages he would, of course, drop. I really don't think I would have been much surprised if some creature had come out to greet me. Anything can happen when the snow covers the world and the imagination wonders.

The houses twinkled their lights merrily all along the way, and the snow turned innocent front-garden plants into fearsome sea-creatures and terrible beasts. They had long, thin necks and terrifying large heads; they seemed to be popping up from the ground, their frosty horns preceding them out of the deep. One of the horrid, long, prickly arms reached out and plopped a freezing fist-full of snow into my startled face.

I came out of my happy imaginings every time I slipped spectacularly. I fancied myself a dainty, elfish maiden, tripping through the frozen forest. Actually I looked more like an abominable snowman while I trudged through the slippery slush, plunged through the drifts, and fell on the hidden ice in my red cap and nylon snow-suit, and fake uggs. But it was glorious anyhow.

This morning I took Little Brother on a quest for a good sledding hill. He was wearing his matching black snow-suit. We found a good hill, but after a half an hour of trying to pack it down hard enough for my ancient, round, red sled to glide down (without help), we gave up the idea and rolled around and threw snowballs instead. I ended up hauling him (in the sled) up and down all the rolling hills in our neighborhood. We came back flushed, happy, and very tired. I am spending the rest of my day crocheting and beading Christmas presents, eating cookies, and singing carols.  Isn't that a thoroughly satisfactory way to spend a weekend?

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